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How To Make A Living Happy Family

October 30, 2012

The Most Valuable Treasure Part 2

My Most Valuable Treasure

Peacefulness, joy and happiness are always became every family's goals. It is parent's job to ensure those will happen. Sometimes we call ourselves as the one who works 24/7 to make a living for our family. But, does it make our wife and kids be happy?

Ask yourself! How many times did you have a dinner together in a week? How many hours did you spend together at the weekend?

It is just the same as if we want our marriage to be lasted long. All negative communications must be avoided. Communication! Yes, the quality of communications in our family.

Positive Communications

The followings are five habits that you must start to create inside your family:

  1. Happy Situation
    Every family members must willing to create a happy situation when entering your home. I think you would say this, It will be hard if you have a two naughty kids.

    That is totally correct! But, by starting with you and your wife at first, and then eventually your kids will follow, if both of you manage to make it as a good habit.
  2. Greetings
    Every family members must greet to one another when entering or leaving your home. It is just the same as creating a happy situation.

    If parents are just had a very bad day outside, at work, or at the way home, try to put those troubles outside your porch, before entering your house. You will have your time to share your stories.
  3. The Kiss of Love
    Get used to kiss to one another when entering or leaving your home. Did you know that kissing will make you have a prolong life?

    Kissing is a way to release your tensed nerves. By starting your day to kiss your wife and kids, will make you happier, and relieve your muscle tense after ending your day.
  4. No Room for Secrets
    Now its time to take your troubles that you had left on your porch. Tell to your family what you have been through the whole day, when you are having your dinner together.

    Try to encourage your kids to do the same! Ask them about everything that they had done the whole day! This is the way to build quality communication inside your own family.
  5. Room for Honesty
    Children are learning by example. They will try to imitate all what you and your wife had done. When you had already no room for secrets in your home, your kids will also learn to be honest.

    Just like I had described in my previous post, if children live with sharing, they learn generosity, and if children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.

Negative Comunications

The followings are family habits that used the form of negative communications:

  1. Competitive Family
    A family where every family members are competed on one another to get the most intentions from others. Children who live in this family, are often made their parents upset by competing to get a full attention from their parents.

    This is sometimes happened when both parents are having full time job, where family gathering was a very precious thing happened only at weekend.
  2. Silent Family
    A family that never had a dinner together, interacted, and communicated to one another.

    All family members are too busy with their own activities. All of them do not have the willingness to share all their troubles. A child with down syndrome is sometimes became one of the family members, due to never got an input from his parent when he was just a baby.
  3. Rudeness Family
    A family where its members are using their home as a place to avange their bad moods. The term rude is not always meant to do cruel things. Although sometimes cruel activities are happening in this family, due to the bad memories that both parent were having when they were youth.

    The rudeness was on all family members expressed, such as, speaking many dirty words, condemned on one another, and always shown unhappy expression. Just like making tiny living hell inside home.
  4. Horror Family
    A family where its members were shown unhappy expression to one another. The tensed was high inside the house, and considered on one another as mentally ill.

    This type of family is more than the rudeness one. All family members were easy to be mad, just only because of small matters. They always felt curiosity and having no trust on one another. Horror family is also called as sensitive family.

So, which kind of family do you have?

When Motion Creates Emotion

October 24, 2012

Primary emotions painting by Christina Boyt

Primary emotions painting by Christina Boyt

Do you often feel bore? Was your daily activity boring you?

I felt the same way if you say yes for all questions above. And I guess everybody do have at least one boring day in their lifes.

So, how did you manage those boring days?

I assume you will start to make a new activity, or at least, you make your body moves, whether stand up or take a walk. You just make a motion to react with your boring activity.

Now, try this! Go outside! Stand up and look up to the sky! Give your best smile, a wide smile up to the sky! Then, imagine the greatest misery or sorrow you've ever had! Can you do it? Can you managed to bring back that bad memory? Why you cannot do it?

It all because our body did not support to creates that kind of emotion.

So, what is emotion?

I have already described this on my previous post. In Latin, emotion originally meant an inner turbulence, as in a storm cloud, which discharged its forces outward.

Can we control our emotion?

Since we are mentally healthy, we should manage to control our emotion. A simple change of our body's movement, a motion, believe or not, is managed to create another emotion. It depends on what kind of emotion do we exactly want.

An actor was one of best example, about person who managed to control emotion. But, I am not an actor.

Who said that everyone cannot be an actor?

Have you ever been felt angry, happy, or sad? If you have not been felt any of those emotions, you cannot be an actor. Because, even for a crazy person, is also having those kinds of emotions, in which can change every seconds.

Another example that I had described in my previous post titled, Frustrated Inc., it was you the one that makes yourself felt bore, or having any kind of emotions. So, you must not blame on anyone, or anything about the conditions you are having.

The way to forget about the conditions (emotions) you are having, is by starting new activities (motions). Some would call this as breaking the pattern, to make a new one.

Have you ever watched TV shows such as, Candid Camera, Just for Laugh, or any TV programs which intended to make a fool on someone caught on tape?

For example, a man who was being fooled, would be very angry at the moment, but when he was being told that he was on Candid Camera, he suddenly laugh.

How could that be happened?

At a moment the man felt very angry, but when he saw a camera, he suddenly laughed because he knew he was on a famous TV show.

Can you notice the motion that changes the man emotion?

It is when the man was pointed his eyes to the camera, after listening what the TV crew had said to him. A very simple motion that creates emotion.

9 High Page Rank .Gov Blogs

October 19, 2012

Having backlinks from .gov blogs are really hard to get for most webmasters. So far, this blog was only got one .gov backlink. The luckiest thing is, even though the backlink is marked with nofollow attribute, it is one of .gov blogs I've listed below, which has PR9.

Why is hard to get backlink from .gov blogs?

Many .gov blogs are not accepting comments. Although some .gov blogs accept comments from visitors, but there is no place for you to put your website URL, in the comment form.

Even for some .gov blogs do accept comments, all comments should have been moderated, and the post itself might really hard to be commented. You cannot only comment with only say Thanks for the information, or Thanks for sharing this post. Your comment will end in a spam junk.

If you keep repeating this kind of activity, using the same comments on every posts, and then your IP address might have been banned by the site's server. Keep your comments as natural as you can without using any anchor link text!

Below are 9 high PR .gov blogs which I sort them from the highest PR:


SBA.gov Community, or Small Business Administration Community. The best place for small business owners to connect with, sharing, and getting advices from the expert on starting, growing and managing their business. Join the community and grow your business!


blog.AIDS.gov, a blog which was first launched at World AIDS Day on December 1, 2006. The blog provides informations by the U.S. Government about prevention, testing, treatment, and research on HIV/AIDS. It serves as a forum for public discussion in response to HIV/AIDS researchs and policies.

SAMHSA Blog, or Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Blog. The blog provides venue to discuss what SAMHSA is up to, share ideas with others around the health care world. The SAMHSA blog will give you an opportunity to give real time feedback and have your voice heard.

Corrections Community, a community of National Institute of Corrections. The place where corrections professionals can interact and colaborate.


AZ Dept. of Health Services Director's Blog, a blog by the Director of Arizona Dept. of Health Services. Its mission is to promote, protect, and improve the health and wellness of individuals, children or adults, and communities in Arizona.

Health IT Buzz Blog, a blog by HHS's Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).

DigitalGov, a blog for anyone in government who uses digital media to achieve their agency mission and improve the customer experience. Also a blog for conversation, learning, and sharing.

From Our Corner, a blog by the Washington Office of the Secretary of State, which provides all informations about important state news and public services. The blog is used as a bridge between the public and Secretary Sam Reed and his staff.


Delaware Public Archives Blog, a blog in which its mission is to identify, collect, and preserve public records of enduring historical and evidential value, for present and future generations of Delawareans.

Please do not spam on above .gov blogs! Those blogs have comment policies that you should follow when you are going to give feedbacks.

Hansen's Disease

October 15, 2012

Leprosy image from Wikimedia

Hansen's disease, or known as leprosy, a chronic infectious disease, which involves primarily the skin and the peripheral nerves. Altough it's primarily a tropical disease, it has occurred as far North as Norway and Iceland.

The leprosy bacterium was first describe by the Norwegian physician, G. Armauer Hansen, in 1874. Its structure and characteristics is similar to the organism which causes tuberculosis. The bacteria are believed to be transmitted by direct contact.

Though it's not easily spread, but more than 5% of persons married to a person suffering from leprosy will become infected with the disease. The average period of incubation is five years or more.

Body Disturbances

The disturbances seen in leprosy are extremely variable. Skin is usually affected early while nerve damage appears later. There are many disabling phenomena result from nerve damage rather than infection.

The ulcers of the feet and the fingers are caused by damage resulting from of the infection along the nerves of the extremities. Facial disfigurement is seen only in advanced stages, when the infection is untreated.

Skin lesions vary from simple spots to thick infiltrations and nodule formation. The severity of the infections depends upon the type of leprosy. The most severe cases are caused by the lepromatous, which progresses steadily, and involves infiltration of the skin, producing nodular lesions.

The milder tuberculoid form usually improves spontaneously. In many instances, tuberculoid leprosy would be an unimportant skin condition were it not for the associated nerve involvement.

Leprosy is rarely fatal in itself. Death, when it occurs, usually results from complications, or a concurrent illness. The most serious complications are involvement of the nose and throat, which accompanies the advance disease. Trophic ulcerations of the feet with secondary infection, osteomyelitis (bone infection), and lesions of the inner structures of the eyes, which leads to blindness.

The Treatment

Since 1941, a group of drugs, called sulfones, which are related chemically to sulfonamides, have been widely used in the treatment of leprosy. Sulfones are highly effective in the milder types. Although they do not cure the lepromatous types, serious complications are usually prevented.

Because the similarity of the bacillus which caused leprosy, the sulfones were also tested against tuberculosis, but without success. Sulfones do not destroy, but surpress the leprosy bacillus, so that the patient's own defenses slowly overcome the disease.

Treatment failures are observed in approximately 5% of the cases, resulting from the development of drug-resistance by the leprosy bacteria. Although the sulfones act slowly, no better agents have been developed for control of leprosy.

Leprosy is being treated today with large-scale outpatient treatment programs. The U.S. operates a specialized hospital for the treatment of leprosy at Carville, La., and maintains clinics at hospitals, in New Orleans and San Francisco. Also two institutions in the state of Hawaii, to conduct a continuous program for the care of patients, and the control of spread of the disease.

Source : Encyclopedia International

  • Leprosy
    U.S. Public Health Service Hospital, Carville, Louisiana.
  • Sulfones
    Harold C. Neu, M.D., Columbia University.

Early Moral Education For Pre-School Children

October 08, 2012

In Indonesia, an easy way to make money is by being a parking-lot guard. The one that was really irritated me, was when I saw corruptions doing by parking-lot guard. I've described this on my early post.

Corruptions in Indonesia had reached to very concern level. Not only for those powerful politicians who had been caught by KPK, Indonesian Corruption Buster Commission, for suspicion on doing corruptions. But after farther investigating, KPK move seemed to be blocked by some slippy rocks.

It often happened that the whistle-blower ended in jail, or even died, because there was no effective witness protection programs. How come, a small grade employee became billionair from his corruption works by doing it alone? It seemed impossible that his manager was not also enjoying the money.

Early Moral Education

Tunas Integritas

A breakthrough had been made by KPK with the launch of children books series titled Tunas Integritas, or in English, The Buds of Integrity. The books are aimed to target for children at Play Groups, or Pre-School.

The books series are composed of six packages in which titled, Wuush, Byuur, Ungu di Mana Kamu?, Ya Ampun!, Ini, Itu?, and Hujan Warna-warni, said the Director of Education and Community Services of KPK, Dedie A. Rachim.

The book's commitment and the efforts of the creators are to eradicating corruptions in Indonesia, in which starts from small community, that is family. In the books itself is represented by the character of Kumbi Family, a dung beetle.

If beetles play a major role in making soil conditions conducive to the growth of shoots plants, the book's aim is trying to provide stimulation for all Indonesian children to grow up with the values of integrity, said Dedie.

To implement laws corruption prevention, the KPK must conduct anti-corruption education at all levels of education. Children who are currently 4-5 years old must be equipped with a weapon (moral) to fight corruption, Dedie added.

The publishing of Tunas Integritas books series are the result of collaboration among KPK and FPBA (Forum Penulis Bacaan Anak, or Children Books Author Forum). The book begins with the training and corruption workshop that was held in Bandung, by the end of 2011, followed by the authors of children books.

FPBA itself is a non-profit organization consisting of authors, illustrators, editors, designers, publishers, participants, journalists, media, and observers of children books. Since established on May 2, 2010, FPBA has the membership of more than 2000 people.


Sekuat Hatimu by Last Child

October 02, 2012

Album Cover

A song from Indonesian band, Last Child, which dedicated for all mothers in the world. The lyrics contain many awaken words, especially for me. It really reminds me about, how my mom always gave her best for me.

Mom was always proud of me, and strengthened my heart by telling to everyone that I am a very good person, though in real, I am not that good at all.

The Original Lyrics in Bahasa Indonesia

Last Child – Sekuat Hatimu

Ku mohon hentikan air matamu mama,
bila ternyata harus putus sekolahku.
Dan ku pilih gaya hidup yang tiada,
pernah indah di matamu.

Tak mampu ku mengampuni diriku mama,
bila ku cerna harunya arti doamu.
Yang kau panjatkan untukku saat ku bawa diriku,
semakin dalam ku terjatuh.

Bila ku tak pernah sanggup untuk bangkit dari,
kegagalan yang tak seharusnya kau sesali.
Karna kenyataan hidup yang aku jalani,
tak seindah saat ku dengar engkau bernyanyi.

Peluklah lelah jiwaku mama!
Yang terluka dipecundangi dunia.
Hanya kasihmu yang mampu lindungi lemah hatiku,
yang tak sekuat hatimu.

* #

Peluk hati kecil yang penuh dendam ini!
Ajari ku menghapus sebuah rasa benci!
Biarkan kasih lembutmu sentuh hatiku!
Ubah aku jadi buah hati yang dulu...!!

# #

The Lyrics Translated in English

Last Child – As Strong As Your Heart

Please stop your tears mama,
if turns out I should break up from school.
And I choose a lifestyle that never,
ever looked beautiful in your eyes.

I cannot forgive myself mama,
when I sensed every moving words inside your pray.
The one that you sent it to me when I took myself,
to let it fell deeper.

If I never able to awake from,
failures that you should not be regretted.
Because the fact of life that I live,
was not as beautiful as when I heard you sang.

Hug my tired soul mama!
That injured manipulated by the world.
Only your love was able to protect my weak heart,
which was not as strong as your heart.

* #

Hug this small heart that full of vengeance!
Teach me to erase a hatred!
Let your love touched my heart!
Change me to become your once baby!

# #

I love you mama..


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