Valentine's Day 2025

Illegal Parking-lot Guard, Easy Ways to Become Corruptors in Indonesia

January 07, 2012

Corruption is a disease like kleptomania. Overcoming the problem of corruption is like melting an iceberg in the Atlantic ocean. Not visible on the surface but the bottom is higher than Mt. Everest when measured from the seabed.

A complicated subject where I live in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia is parking subscribing problem. Many people complain about parking subscription in Sidoarjo. It costs IDR 25,000 (US$ 2.7) per year for motorcycles. But in practice, if we parked in public places, the road or in government agencies still have to pay IDR 1,000 for parking fee.

Sidoarjo Department of Transportation claims to have been socializing the parking-lot guard. But after 5 years of my experince in the field, there is no reality. Even for Sidoarjo no.1 person (mayor), still have to pay for parking when using his private car. Department of Transportation argued that the park service users who had to fight the parking-lot guard who still remain collecting parking fee.

The information I get from a person who have a bicycle care business said that some strategic parking-lot were auctioned off by unscrupulous of the Department of Transportation. So more busy a parking-lot, the price for a ticket for one month becomes very expensive. The impact was, users should bear the cost of parking that landowners expenses. Parking-lot guards were targeted, they must deposit some millions of Rupiah from their earnings each week to the owner of a parking-lot.

I guess it is useless to eradicate the corruption that is worth billions of Rupiah, if it can not overcome the corruption that is worth only IDR 1.000 but has ancient roots and cultures. Even in the minimarket free marked parking, we still levied by a teenager parking-lot guard. With high unemployment rate, 7.1% (2010), population below poverty line, 13.33% (2010) from total population of 245,613,043 (July 2011 est.), in Indonesia, an easy way to make money is by being a parking-lot guard.

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