Valentine's Day 2025

Delicious Foods for Diet

January 09, 2012

Desire to lose weight or maintain the body shape doesn't mean you can only eat fruit or vegetables throughout the day. There are some delicious foods that can still be eaten.

Here are delicious and nutritious foods, but still be able to control your weight.

    The Danger of Daily Egg Consumption
  • Eggs
    Eggs are not only making you become more powerful, these foods are also rich in protein. Among other benefits, when we breakfast with eggs, it can reduce appetite. So you'll feel full longer. To cultivate it, can be boiled or fried eggs with a little olive oil.
  • Cheese
    Choose cheese made from goat's or cow's milk. Because, animals that eat grass contain conjugated linolenic acid (CLA) which can assist weight loss.
  • Salmon
    Recent research states, protein intake can prevent weight gain. Salmon are rich in protein, more than meat. Research in Sweden shows, respondents who had lunch with salmon intake 11 percent fewer calories.
  • Does Milk Raise Cancer Risk?
  • Skim Milk
    One cup of skim milk has only 86 calories. Proteins in milk (whey and casein) can be filling the stomach than beverages containing sugar. The content of CLA in milk also helps fight obesity.
  • Food of The Gods
  • Dark Chocolate
    In 100 grams of dark chocolate, contains only 170 calories. According to research from the University of Copenhagen, eating dark chocolate before a meal can make you eat less food portions. Compounds in dark chocolate slows down the digestive process and keep you full longer. A small piece of chocolate (about the size of business cards) can also resist the desire to eat salty foods, sweet and fatty foods.
  • Citrus
    Citrus is one fruit that is able to give full effect in addition to apples, because the high fiber content. Many also eat fiber can fight obesity and generate a flat stomach.

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