Valentine's Day 2025

How To Make A Living Happy Family

October 30, 2012

The Most Valuable Treasure Part 2
My Most Valuable Treasure

Peacefulness, joy and happiness are always became every family's goals. It is parent's job to ensure those will happen. Sometimes we call ourselves as the one who works 24/7 to make a living for our family. But, does it make our wife and kids be happy?

Ask yourself! How many times did you have a dinner together in a week? How many hours did you spend together at the weekend?

It is just the same as if we want our marriage to be lasted long. All negative communications must be avoided. Communication! Yes, the quality of communications in our family.

Positive Communications

The followings are five habits that you must start to create inside your family:

  1. Happy Situation
    Every family members must willing to create a happy situation when entering your home. I think you would say this, It will be hard if you have a two naughty kids.

    That is totally correct! But, by starting with you and your wife at first, and then eventually your kids will follow, if both of you manage to make it as a good habit.

  2. Greetings
    Every family members must greet to one another when entering or leaving your home. It is just the same as creating a happy situation.

    If parents are just had a very bad day outside, at work, or at the way home, try to put those troubles outside your porch, before entering your house. You will have your time to share your stories.

  3. The Kiss of Love
    Get used to kiss to one another when entering or leaving your home. Did you know that kissing will make you have a prolong life?

    Kissing is a way to release your tensed nerves. By starting your day to kiss your wife and kids, will make you happier, and relieve your muscle tense after ending your day.

  4. No Room for Secrets
    Now its time to take your troubles that you had left on your porch. Tell to your family what you have been through the whole day, when you are having your dinner together.

    Try to encourage your kids to do the same! Ask them about everything that they had done the whole day! This is the way to build quality communication inside your own family.

  5. Room for Honesty
    Children are learning by example. They will try to imitate all what you and your wife had done. When you had already no room for secrets in your home, your kids will also learn to be honest.

    Just like I had described in my previous post, if children live with sharing, they learn generosity, and if children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.

Negative Comunications

The followings are family habits that used the form of negative communications:

  1. Competitive Family
    A family where every family members are competed on one another to get the most intentions from others. Children who live in this family, are often made their parents upset by competing to get a full attention from their parents.

    This is sometimes happened when both parents are having full time job, where family gathering was a very precious thing happened only at weekend.

  2. Silent Family
    A family that never had a dinner together, interacted, and communicated to one another.

    All family members are too busy with their own activities. All of them do not have the willingness to share all their troubles. A child with down syndrome is sometimes became one of the family members, due to never got an input from his parent when he was just a baby.

  3. Rudeness Family
    A family where its members are using their home as a place to avange their bad moods. The term rude is not always meant to do cruel things. Although sometimes cruel activities are happening in this family, due to the bad memories that both parent were having when they were youth.

    The rudeness was on all family members expressed, such as, speaking many dirty words, condemned on one another, and always shown unhappy expression. Just like making tiny living hell inside home.

  4. Horror Family
    A family where its members were shown unhappy expression to one another. The tensed was high inside the house, and considered on one another as mentally ill.

    This type of family is more than the rudeness one. All family members were easy to be mad, just only because of small matters. They always felt curiosity and having no trust on one another. Horror family is also called as sensitive family.

So, which kind of family do you have?

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