Valentine's Day 2025

Learning From Your Children Naughtiness

September 15, 2012

Devie and Michael at Sendangsono

Did your children behavior sometimes make you so easily be angry? It's quite often happened to me and my wife. But my wife has more temper than me. When my wife was angry with both of my 6 years old daughter, and 4 years old son, due to their naughtiness, I then suddenly kept my mouth shut.

For me, it's not wise thing to do, when both of us, was angry with our children at the same time. I also told that to my wife. My wife is then doing exactly the same thing as I did, when I got upset with my children behavior.

What did David Hill, a pediatrics, say about children behavior?

David L. Hill, MD, FAAP

David L. Hill, MD, FAAP, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, UNC Medical School. Vice President, Cape Fear Pediatrics. Author of Dad to Dad: Parenting Like a Pro.

Some behavior that seem to be annoying are actually important parts of children's growth and development. At Dr. Hill's office, some small accidents often occured. A boy who came to Dr. Hill's office with his mother, took a tissue at the table, then torn it into pieces.

His mother suddenly apologized to Dr. Hill for what his son had done. Later, Dr. Hill said that what the boy had done was a natural thing. A thing that is good for his normal development. It is very common found in children aged 6 months to 2 years. These kids are looking for a way to practice using his hands.

The more words children hear in a day, the better they learn to talk, said Dr. Hill on his article at Tampa Bay Parenting. You can use 5 words every time you tell your kids something like, "Put that down, it's sharp," instead of, "No!", added Dr. Hill.

Dr. Hill has been an expert on JustAnswer since March 2009. You may find him there, and he will answer any of your pediatrics, medical, and health questions. Or, if you want to know more about Dr. Hill, you may follow his twitter account @davhill.

Dad to Dad: Parenting Like a Pro by David L. Hill, MD, FAAP
Dad to Dad: Parenting Like a Pro by David L. Hill, MD, FAAP

What was my experince about it?

My children were also doing the same thing just like the boy did at Dr. Hill's office. They both love to tear tissue into small pieces, and threw it away on the ground, after they used it to wipe their faces. I only asked both of them to pick those rubbish to the trash bin, and none of them were refused to do it.

Here's another of my children behavior that drove me insane. When I was talking with my wife, or with my neighbours, they were often trying to disturb my conversations. Asking anything to me, or repeating what I was saying to my wife or my neighbours, in hoping to get my intentions.

What did Dr. Buck explain about it?

Nancy S. Buck, Ph.D.

Nancy S. Buck, Ph.D., developmental psychologist, counselor educator, registered nurse, founder of Peaceful Parenting Inc. Author of Peaceful Parenting.

Behavior to impersonate others people talk, are doing by children for their development on how to learn to talk. You should not easily be angry, if your children were doing this. But try to approach them by giving an understanding to not do so in public, explained Dr. Buck.

Children often choose by themselves what clothes they want to wear. You might get surprised to see, that they want to use the same clothes, over and over again, then became their favorite. This indicates that they felt confident with their abilities. Children will feel very excited, if they have the power to make a choice, added dr. Buck.

Dr. Buck is now a featured blogger at Psychology Today. You may find lots of her amazing posts there. She also writes 198 pages book of How to be a Great Parent: Understanding Your Child's Wants and Needs, in which will be released on January 14, 2013.

Peaceful Parenting by Nancy S. Buck, Ph.D. How to be a Great Parent: Understanding Your Child's Wants and Needs by Nancy S. Buck, Ph.D.
Peaceful Parenting by Nancy S. Buck, Ph.D. How to be a Great Parent: Understanding Your Child's Wants and Needs by Nancy S. Buck, Ph.D.

1 comment

  1. Itu jagoan kecilnya yah? Cantik-cantik... :)
    You have a nice blog, sir.. Black is Sexy..
    Happy blogging...


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