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Internet Gratis Via Opmin Pake Kartu 3

November 28, 2011

Logo Tri (3)

* For use in Indonesia only

Download Opmin handler versi 6.5. Kamu bisa cari di situs http://handlerhackz.tk/index.xhtml.

Setting handset 3gprs (bawaan kartu)

Setting handler sbb :

  • Remove Port => Centang
  • Proxy Type => Real Host
  • Proxy Server => 0.facebook.com.beta.opera-mini.net
  • Lainnya kosongin aja trus save setting & OK

Test penulis menggunakan Nokia E63, tidak berfungsi pada Samsung Champ C3303.

Selamat Mencoba Gratisan!!!

Gunakan dengan bijak, perbanyak amal dan ibadah Anda!

Note !!!

Gunakan Opmin handler jika pulsa Anda habis. Sebab Jika masih ada pulsa segera habiskan, kalau tidak operator akan mengirimkan cookies ke dalam drive C handset Anda. File cookies berekstensi txt, cari dengan software file explorer di drive C.

Anda tidak akan dapat menggunakan segala macam handler kecuali Anda hapus cookies di handset Anda.

Ways to Eliminate Stress

November 27, 2011

Anyone are usually not conscious of being depressed mainly mild to moderate depression because the symptoms are not too flashy. When depression has become severe, then most people see a doctor and prescribed anti-depressants.

In addition to a wide range of side effects, there're ways to overcome depression that more healthy without any drugs. These include :

Light Therapy
On cloudy days in winter, some people prone to mild depression called seasonal affective disorder (SAD). One way to relieve symptoms is with light therapy, which sits next to a box with a bright light using lasers, light emitting diodes, fluorescent lamps, and any others that usually controlled with various devices.

This therapy is usually performed for about 15 minutes and increase to two hours every day. It depends on the severity of symptoms and the intensity of light is determined by your doctor. This therapy does not cure depression, but can relieve the symptoms after a few days.

Research shows that meditation plays a role in preventing recurrence of depression. The research focused on awareness based cognitive therapy that combines traditional meditation with cognitive behavioral approach. Meditation has been used in clinical settings as a method of stress and pain reduction.

Support Groups
Support groups have long been used as a standard of mental treatment, but not used as often today. This method is an excellent way to help treat mild depression. This group will provide education about depression, act as community advocates, and provide learning opportunities for people who face similar problems.

Have a Diary
Research has shown that therapies that teach you how positive thinking can relieve depression. Mood diary to train someone to track the positive things happening in her life and not let negative events cause it to fall. The diary will keep the mood remained negative events in the perspective of a reasonable and also serves as a reminder that the days of good can happen. Write once a week will be easier and not writing a diary every day if you feel too much work, so this practice can continue.

Practicing Yoga can reduce stress, hostility, anxiety, depression, increase energy, sleep quality, and welfare. Although not too much research on this theme, Yoga is proven to be a simple and low risk for depression.

Like many other alternative therapies, there are no data that prove acupuncture can reduce depression. However, some research suggests it might. Research by the University of Arizona against 33 people depressed women found that 64% of depressed patients experienced improvement in symptoms after undergoing acupuncture. Compared with only 27% in the group who did not receive similar treatment.

Exercise can relieve depression, appears to work by affecting the expenditure of brain chemicals that regulate mood, namely norepinephrine and serotonin. Exercise also releases endorphins which can lead to feelings such as 'floating' on a few athletes runners. Exercise as much as 3-5 times a week for 20 to 30 minutes. Aerobic exercise such as brisk walking is the best.

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Foot Care for Diabetics

November 25, 2011

For diabetics, minor injuries can lead to potentially fatal impact of nerve death. High blood sugar levels slowly damage the blood vessels. This impact on the lack of nutrients to the nerves. Nerves become weakened and die. Neuronal death to be one cause complications.

Complications of diabetes are very diverse. One complication in the legs leading to amputation. That risk can be prevented by routine foot care as follows :

  • Clean feet daily with soap and rinse with warm water. Stop the habit of rubbing the feet in the bath to avoid injury. Immediately dry feet, especially between the toes.
  • Check your feet every day to determine if there is sores, blisters, irritation, calluses, or other foot problems.
  • If skin feels dry feet, keep the moisture by applying lotion after washing and drying the feet.
  • Check the nails once a week. Trim your toenails by cutting according to the shape of the finger. After clipping your nail, puree with a miser so nails are not sharp.
  • Keep your legs smooth blood circulation. Avoid sitting cross-legged for long periods.
  • Should always use footwear indoors in order to avoid injury to your leg anywhere.

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Knowing Your Site Rank

November 19, 2011

Having a site but doesn't have any visitors? What then??

Submit your site to the search engine! 1st of all check your site rank at alexa.com. Just type your URL there, then you'll see the result of your global rank. How many sites that are linking to your site? The best keywords based on your site contents. Also percentages of keywords that used on search engine recently. By linking your site to Alexa site will increase your site rank.

Download the Alexa toolbar for free to have best rank on search engine, also you can monitor your site page rank. Having Alexa Site Audit will give your site better rank. Alexa will crawl and analyze your website to give you an in depth view of your site's visibility to search engines. Provide insights into the optimization, monetization and overall health of your site.

But.... Wait a minute..

Sometimes SEOs and site owners encounter some problems. Their sites were suddenly going down in the search engine results pages, for no particular reason. It's hard to figure out why your rank dived to the last pages. Let's consider possible reasons and solutions to the problem.

  • Got penalized or banned by Google
    As stated in Google Webmaster Guidelines, one must not participate in link schemes. Buying/ selling links, create doorway pages, or use hidden text. These are considered illegitimate SEO practices and may bring Google's wrath. If your site gets penalized, find out what might have caused this. Read Google's Webmaster Guidelines and remove whatever is in violation from your site.
  • Search engine algorithm has changed
    Search engines are trying to keep their search results as relevant and SPAM free as possible. By increasing number of websites on the Internet today, search engines are forced to tweak their search algos to keep spammers at bay. Google's algorithm Panda was intended to do away with sites that provide poor quality content.
    It also affected groups of sites that have significant duplicate content by nature, such as e-commerce sites, online directories, etc. First of all, if you are doing SEO and you really mean it, you should be informed about what's new in the Search Engine.
  • Your website's content got stolen or got banned for copyright infringement
    If your rank suddenly dropped, that could be because someone has stolen the content from your site and posted it somewhere else on the Web. Search engines sometimes lower both sites's ranks. Eventually, they are likely to start ranking your site as high as they used to before the incident. Once they realize who copied whose content. This may take some time.
    Banned for copyright infringement that is your site used somebody else's content to boost your site's rank. The owner of the content may have filed a DMCA request or reported your site to Google for copyright infringement. Then you should remove the duplicate content.
  • Competitors beat you in the SERPs
    Your rank may go down just because a competing site manages to boost their rankings to a substantial degree. If this is the case, analyze competitor's site and see in what way they are better than yours. Pay attention to their backlinks, keyword density, social media popularity and act.
  • Your site backlinks have been removed
    Due to backlinks with top Google positions pointing to your site's being removed, resulting your site rank drop. Check the backlinks pointing to your site. If this happens, you should get these links back or get similar backlinks from other websites.

Sometimes unexpected things happen. Google removed 11 million domains from its index, all on one day. Hope that will not happen to your site.

Active Search Results (ASR) is an independent Internet Search Engine using a proprietary page ranking technology with Millions of popular Web sites indexed.

Promote your product or services in www.seolinksubmission.com classified directory.

Perfect Diet

November 02, 2011

Diet often misunderstood with torturing the body by not eating at all. Though diet success key is by changing your bad lifestyle and habits. From many diet programs that you've been through, there are some little things that can actually accelerate weight loss. Try these following tips :

Walk More
This is certainly often you hear but feeling lazy and tired of always be a reason not to. Walk up the stairs burns calories high enough. 300 calories for 30 minutes. It also boost heart rate and stamina through leg motor movement, so it can reduce your risk of heart attack. Also park your car further, so you have time to walk more. But make sure the place you park is not a strange place for security reasons.

Smart Shopping
Avoid canned, processed or ready-to-eat foods when you shop at the supermarket. Choose fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, fresh bread or meat. Do not shop when hungry, because it all seemed to be purchased. Lastly, check the detail contents of food listed on the packaging. Avoid foods with high calories, fats and sugars.

Foods Journal
Making a journal about everything that you consume may sound silly and a waste of time, but it can motivate you. When you read it from day to day, you will be surprised with the fact that your diet has failed. Little things like eating sweets too much until your coffee is too much sugar lead to it. But remember, do not get obsessed with your scale numbers.

Foods from Home
It is useful to know what you eat and how many condiments are included. The portion that was brought from home were usually much less than the portion of the restaurant. And most importantly, you can save even more money.

Stop Your Bad Habits
Add sugar to drinks, beverages soda selection, ice cubes, until adding salt to your food. It much better to eat one teaspoon of peanut butter for snacking.

Brain Alarm
Did you know that your brain needs 20 minutes to remind you that your stomach is full? The best way to make you full faster is to drink a full glass of water 15 minutes before meals and another while you are eating. It's recommended to eat five small meals rather than three large meals.

Turn off your TV while Dinner
When eating, your body will process food focus and hard work to perform multitasking functions. Thus, during the time watching TV while eating, you will not realize how much you eat and forget the alarm when it's stuffed body.

This extra activity besides lowering the body stress levels, it also burns calories quite a lot. Do it with friends and it can prevent the coming depression. Your body will get used and stamina becomes more powerful and stable.

Another fairly trivial thing that never bored repeated. Ideally 7-9 hours of sleep is good but it all varies depending on the needs of each person. Without enough sleep, your metabolism is compromised. It began to lose sharpness to process food more, so your fat will be buried without a chance to be burned.

" Let us not waste our health to look for treasure and then squandered our treasure to seek health "

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" Let us not waste our health to look for treasure and then squandered our treasure to seek health " - Verdi

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