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New Hope for Cancer Patients

September 06, 2012

Warsito wears the brain activity scanner. He hold on his left hand the breast activity scanner. The brain cancer electro capacitive therapy, and breast cancer electro capacitive therapy are worn by the doll.
Warsito wears the brain activity scanner. He hold on his left hand the breast activity scanner. The brain cancer electro capacitive therapy, and breast cancer electro capacitive therapy are worn by the doll.

The successful discovery of cancer-buster devices have brought new hope for all cancer patients as new alternative methods of treatment. The cancer-buster devices were created by CTECH Labs (Center for Tomography Research Laboratory) Edwar Technology.

The Founder Scientist

Warsito Purwo Taruno, founder of CTECH Labs, a Professor of Medical Physics, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, and special staff of the Minister for Research and Technology. Warsito earned his doctorate from Shizuoka University, Japan, in 1997. ECVT system was his final project as a Bachelor degree student at Shizuoka University, Japan, in 1991. At that moment, he was still developing a tomographic ultrasound which aims to detect concentration of gases and particles in the multi fuse reactor.

Warsito was a former Professor at Ohio State University in 2001, and become one of 15 leading researchers who are members of Industrial Research Consortium in the US. Back home in 2004, he built CTECH Labs in Tangerang, Banten, and finally invented ECVT (Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography). In 2006, he received a patent for his ECVT invention from the U.S. patent office.

Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography

ECVT, a 4D electric field tomographic technology. Tomography, a form of imaging sectioning, through the use of any kind of penetrating wave, or so called as, object scanning technology without having to touch the object.

Tomography is used in radiology, archaeology, biology, geophysics, oceanography, and many other sciences. 4D interpreted as a 3D of space (Volume) and one D of time, because of the moving object, said Warsito.

This major breakthrough in scanning techniques, as ECVT managed to scan 3D (volumetric) with the fast moving object, has made other tomographic technologies, such as, CT Scan and MRI seem to be ancient. Because, both CT Scan and MRI, are simply generated 2D or 3D image of static object.

The Cancer-Buster

In 2010, Warsito with his CTECH teams have successfully build 4 cancer-buster devices, which are brain activity scanner, breast activity scanner, brain cancer electro capacitive therapy, and breast cancer electro capacitive therapy.

Brain activity scanner was made since June 2010. The device works by studying human brain activity in 3D. Its shape is similar to helmet with dozens of holes connector, which connected to a data acquisition station, and monitored into a computer. The device can detect the presence of cancer cells in the brain. With this device, it can also be seen how severe the patient suffered from brain cancer, said Warsito.

Meanwhile, the breast activity scanner was created in September 2010. To some extent, the two devices have the same purposes, ie, detect the presence of cancer cells in the body.

In addition to above two devices, Warsito completed in making of brain cancer capacitive electro therapy and breast cancer capacitive electro therapy. The devices are based on electrostatic waves using battery power. Both devices are proven to kill cancer cells to completion in just 2 months.

The Human Test

Warsito had already proven the devices efficacy to his sister, Suwarni, who suffered from stage IV breast cancer. He applied the breast cancer capacitive electro therapy to his sister. The device shape is similar to a bra, containing static electricity on the inside. The black bra is connected with a battery that can be recharge. With an intention to make it just like a bra for easy to use, said Warsito.

Warsito's sister was wearing the bra for 24/7 everyday. By the first week, it had shown side effects from using the device. However, the effects were not painfully as chemotherapy. Her sister felt that her sweat was very slimy and smelly. Urine and feces had even more foul smelling. According to Warsito, it indicates that cancer cells were being issued.

The stench was coming from dead cancer cells and excreted through urine, sweat and feces. But the patient would not feel any pain, just chills, said Warsito. After a month of usage, lab test results stated that her sister's cancer was negative, and doctor claimed her sister was cleared from any cancer cells.

The brain cancer electro capacitive therapy device was testing on 21 years old young man, who suffered from advanced stage brain cancer. The basic material used is similar to breast cancer capacitive electro therapy. However, the shape is adjusted with a head, and looks like a head protector, or head ban. Similar to the methods applied to his sister, the young man wore the head ban for a month.

Because the device was worn on the head, the young man felt heat in his head. In the three days of the initial use of the device, the young man's level of emotions were increased. Moreover, the same symptoms as just the other devices were also appeared, smelly sweat, urine and feces.

According to Warsito, before the test, the young man was initially suffered from total paralysis. He could not get out of bed, could not even swallow food. Cancer cells have spread to the base area of his brain. However, after a week of using the device, the young man was able to get out of bed and move his arms and legs. By 2 full months of usage, the young man had been declared cured.

Pros and Cons

NASA used the ECVT technology to scan the wall of space shuttle. The technology makes it possible to see through the pile of material in the outer wall of the shuttle. In Indonesia, Warsito had made a device called Sona CT Scanner, the ultrasonic scanner to check the wall of the high pressure gas cylinders that used in Trans Jakarta bus.

Indonesian oncologists and doctors were not just believed that by using Warsito's devices, cancer can be totally cured. The invention was not qualified to be tested on human, said Walta Gautama, a cancer specialist doctor of Dharmais Hospital.

According to Walta, it must undergo some clinical trials and test cases. After that, a presentation in front of oncologists, medical devices testing, cancer hit phase testing, and animal testing. Then it will be qualified to be tested on human.

Meanwhile, in terms of radiology, the working system of Warsito's cancer-buster bra is well appreciated and can be explained scientifically. It really makes sense and reasonable to be applied outside the world of science, said Gede Bayu Suparta, radiologist, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.

According to Gede, the principle of electricity which generates electromagnetic waves can be arranged, so that the electromagnetic produces desirable resonance frequency, that is the main target of cancer cells. Electric wave is not dangerous, but it can change the structure of atom, said Gede. Warsito himself admits, that cancer-buster bra has not been tested on animals.

Source: Department of Research and Technology (Bahasa Indonesia). (Archive)


  1. I hope this device will be enhanced and distributed worldwide in the future. It's like a piece of manna from heaven to those suffering from cancer diseases.

  2. Thx for sharing this info. I have a sister who is suffering from cancer, hope that she can get benefit from this device.


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