The Ordinary

Revenge To Failures

April 05, 2012

Words of Wisdom by Dahlan Iskan

Dahlan Iskan

How do leaders deal with their failures? I heard that I'm always considered to be a cold handed man, always being successful person, or everything I've done were always worked well, if I was the person who handled.

Those assumptions actually are not entirely correct, I often also failed. In fact, I often lead a business, or a business unit, in which it lead to a total failure business. That's because no one had never been asked my failure sides. Generally people just asked for my success stories.

Actually I do much errors too. I also do lots of failures. But instead of giving up, I always learnt from my failure. I analyzed why it was failed. I felt very strongly that I should be able to bury all of my failures. I also should be able to get revenge to all of my failures. And then it will be covered with lots of success stories in the future.

Do not be afraid of making failure! As long as we want to learn from it. Do not despair! As long as we are determined to get revenge to all of our failures.

Words of Wisdom by Dahlan Iskan is taken from

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