The Ordinary

The Curse of Bandung Bandawasa

April 21, 2012

Do you believe that this statue of Durga was not made by any human beings? Was it really Rara Jonggrang who turned to stone?

Javanese people really believe in mystical legend that have been told by generations over generations for century. In this case, the legend about The Temple of Thousands (Sewu temple, or Prambanan temple), in which connected with the curse upon Rara Jonggrang. I'm not telling you the story here, because you may find the whole legend of Rara Jonggrang in wikipedia, here.

Rara Jonggrang AI version

I do believe. It was really Rara Jonggrang who was cursed in turning to stone by the mighty Prince Bandung Bandawasa, a Prince who has powerful supernatural power. You should try to see and touch the statue for yourself! I have already done it, and I believed it.

The Sewu temple, also known as Prambanan temple, or Rara Jonggrang temple is located in the village of Prambanan, which its territory is divided between the district of Sleman and Klaten. I used to make fun of this two districts by saying them with an english spelling, the district of Slaymen and Clayton.

Km.16 Yogya-Solo St., Prambanan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Just remember one thing! Do not ever visit the Prambanan temple with your love-mate! Even if you have already engaged with your partner, the another curse of Bandung Bandawasa may affect on you and your partner. Your engagement will be broken shortly after you leave the temple. If you eventually manage to get married, your marriage will not last long.

You must be a marriage couple or alone to be able to see the statue without having a curse spells on you! You may have believed it or not, it's all yours to decide. Because Prince Bandung Bandawasa also cursed all girls who lived around Prambanan, that they would not be married with a man who also lived around Prambanan.

The girls will be getting marry with a man who born and lived outside Prambanan. If a couple, both from Prambanan were managed to get married, their marriage will not last long. There will be a divorced, or creating an unhappy living family. Such a horrible curse for the girls who helped Rara Jonggrang, cheated on her impossible requests to Prince Bandung Bandawasa's proposal. A curse which should be carried by generations over generations.

*This post is dedicated to Prambanan's Kartini.

Happy Kartini's Day!!

Update: July 23, 2024

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