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4Life Transfer Factor Scam?

July 24, 2013

4Life Transfer Factor PLUS with Riovida Web Promotion
4Life Transfer Factor PLUS with Riovida Web Promotion

What is Transfer Factor?

Transfer factor, a factor derived from leukocyte lysates (white blood cell which have been undergone the destructive process of lysis) of immune donors, which can transfer both local, and systemic cellular immunity to non immune recipients. (NLM-MeSH) Transfer factor was first discovered by Henry Sherwood Lawrence, in 1955.

There is a possibility to transfer regularly immunologically specific, generalized skin sensitivity of the delayed type to tuberculin (a sterile solution extracted from tubercle bacillus which often used to diagnose tuberculosis) in animals, and human subjects, by means of an injection of leucocytes, obtain from sensitive donors. (Lawrence HS. 1955) Transfer factors can be extracted, either from human, or animal white blood cells, cow colostrum, and chicken egg yolk.

According to Kirkpatrick CH. 1993, transfer factors are molecules that educate recipients to express cell mediated immunity, which have the effect of antigen specific. Transfer factors have molecular weights of approximately 5,000 Da, and offer molecular immunotherapy for patients with defective cell mediated immunity.

Transfer Factor Clinical Studies

A prospective, double blind placebo controlled trial was carried out on 29 hepatitis B patients. 13 patients received transfer factor, while 16 others received placebo. There were no significant differences between the two groups in any clinical, or laboratory measurements. Transfer factor did not alter the natural course of hepatitis B. (Ellis-Pegler R, et al. 1979)

A prospective randomized double blind study on 60 cervical cancer patients, after radical surgery and irradiation. Transfer factor preparations were collected from leukocyte donors of patients's husbands. 32 patients received transfer factor while the others received a placebo.

A patient died during the treatment with transfer factor. The cancer recurrence rate was five out of 31 transfer factor treated patients, and 11 out of 28 patients in the placebo group. (Wagner G, et al. 1983)

An open study of transfer factor on 470 multiple sclerosis patients, in New South Wales, confirmed the original observation that transfer factor, had some effect on slowing the course of multiple sclerosis. (Frith JA, et al. 1986)

Clinical trials of transfer factor in malignancy, lead to the conclusion, that transfer factor might not be an effective therapy for cancer. If it does, it may have a role in tumor therapy as an adjuvant (additional treatment, or therapy) to other forms of therapy, such as, surgery, irradiation, or chemotherapy. (Spitler LE, et al. 1987)

A double blind clinical trial of transfer factor vs. acyclovir was carried out on 28 patients with acute stage of herpes zoster. The transfer factor treated group was found to have more favorable clinical course than acyclovir. The study confirmed the immunomodulating properties of transfer factor. (Estrada-Parra S, et al. 1998)

4Life Transfer Factor

4Life Transfer Factor PLUS Tri-Factor Formula
4Life Transfer Factor PLUS Tri-Factor Formula

A product of transfer factor supplement by 4Life Research L.C., direct selling, or MLM company that was founded by David and Bianca Lisonbee, in 1998. David Lisonbee had experienced 11 years in building his MLM business called Enrich International. After receiving the transfer factor extraction process patent from the U.S. Patent Office, David Lisonbee had made 4Life transfer factor, the only product available in the world.

All 4Life transfer factor products were derived from transfer factor of cow colostrum, or a transfer factor combination from cow colostrum, and egg yolk. Amazingly, after 15 years in the MLM industry, 4Life Research L.C. had gained $268 million revenues, in 2012, and ranked 45th largest global direct selling company, in 2013. (DSN Top 100)(archive)

4Life Transfer Factor Chart
Image is courtesy of

In above chart, two independent blind studies claimed that 4Life Transfer Factor PLUS Tri-Factor Formula managed to increase in natural killer cell activity (immune system) up to 437%. But, I cannot find both studies were indexed at the U.S. National Library of Medicine, or PubMed.

I am not affiliate with 4Life, or even interest in becoming 4Life distributor. All products above are listed in, in which both of them are sold and shipped by different seller.

Although from Amazon's 4Life Transfer Factor PLUS Tri-Factor Formula verified purchased reviews, most customers are very helpful after consuming, I totally disagree with the chart above. Infact, from a brochure (written in English and Bahasa Indonesia) that I got couple of days ago, 4Life transfer factor is said to be:

900% stronger than other products in increasing immune system.

Moreover, the brochure is mentioned that, 4Life transfer factor is:

30 times stronger than ginseng, spirulina, royal jelly, chlorella, alfalfa, green tea, wheat grass, gingko, chloropyl, bee propolis, maca, grape seed, etc.

In the back side of the brochure is mentioned that:

Scientific abstracts of transfer factor can be read at PubMed:

PubMed contains biomedical literature from Medline, journal, and life science book via online. (the original text is in Bahasa Indonesia)

I laughed at myself while reading this. There are millions of scientific studies indexed in PubMed. And, I found zero result on clinical studies, which claimed the therapeutic effects of 4Life transfer factor, or the 437% stronger immune system.

I know that 4Life transfer factor may not be a scam, but, the brochure that I read, is a scam. However, for your own sake, whether 4Life transfer factor is a scam or not, the main thing is that, you should consult with your doctor before taking any 4Life transfer factor supplements, in order to give another suggestion, regarding to your medical records.

Below I quote some words from a debating post around the controversy about 4Life transfer factor as another MLM scam.

Testimonial evidence is NOT scientific evidence

Is colostrum from cows good for you? Yes, if you are a baby cow…..

Transfer factor: another MLM scam (archive).

After all, it's not the only product available in the world now!

Wellness Transfer Factor 60 Caps By Source Naturalsicon
Wellness Transfer Factor 60 Caps By Source Naturalsicon


  1. THANK YOU for sharing this info. I knew that 4Life was nothing more than another MLM pyramid scheme

  2. Thank you for providing details and helping me not to spend on this product......

  3. i was amazed and glad to know this product it help my father prostate cancer stage 4 at his age of 72 we do not agree to chemo, radiation and operation. then after a month i had a friend who had a Non Hogkin Lymphoma the remedy is chemo because she is my friend i try to recommend the product 5 days before her pet scan to know the stage of her cancer but then after the result the doctor were amazed she is cancer free...and alot more of my friend got well even me and my son who have na illness too...i dont care the scientific effect i only care for the healing of my love ones without spending too much time, money in the hospitals...i think it is a scam if u pay but no result or u pay without the product then it is a scam ....

    1. HI ,

      Really happy for your father.My mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and she was transfer factor ..need your valuable suggesstions please please.


    2. Hi, not sure if anyone ever helped you understand about these products better than on this page, but I will tell you this: My mother was given 4 months to live, after she was diagnosed with stage 3, Ovarian Cancer; I gave her the 4 Life Transfer Factors, and she has being living happy, active and loved by her family, till today. If people believe on these products or not, it will not change the fact that 4Life Research and their TF, are still growing and helping millions of people. Any idiot can say whatever they believe is true, until they actually experience, what they are talking about. I know 4Life Research and their wonderful discovery of the Nano Factors in the TF Formulas, and my uncle was also saved from dying from Prostate cancer. 4Life TF is also in the PDR of all Doctors, and is the only Natural product Company, that has their TF products, approved in there, which means, Doctors can prescribe these products to help people, but instead, they give you other stuff that have side effects, only because they have to work with the Pharmacy industry. No one else, will care for you or your loved ones, as much as you will; at the end of the day, it is all up to you, to help your them, because when you are given limited time to live, you have nothing to loose, by trying something that might help you. I am no Doctor, and although I worked in the Medical Field for 28 years as a Registered Nurse, it is my own experiences, that speak for me. My mother was giving 4 months to live, but she has being living Cancer Free, for 4 years.

    3. Thank you for your comment. But, why you use your affiliate link on my blog post?


      I said again and again,


      Thank you for reading and commenting.


  4. I think all medication , chemotherapy will help all people. It is individual result. So are herbal, 4 life transfer factor. I will try it to my aunt 72 years old with heavy respiratory problems. I will update the results.

  5. What people need to understand is that transfer factor is not medicine. It is a nano-molecule that can be transferred from host to recipient via the ingestion of colostrum. All 4life did is extract that molecule and made sure through patented technology that it is pure,clean transfer factor. Regardless if people find scientific studies credible or not, what cannot be argued is that the FDA has cleared transfer factors as having no secondary side effects and zero level toxicity. It is in the Physician's Desk Reference, the book that tells doctors about drugs and supplements. That being said, transfer factors help your OWN immune system be able to fight off different conditions. Its not the transfer factor itself that does anything, it is just the teacher of the immune system. Therefore, it does have a high rate of working for people, especially for those whose immune system has been very compromised, but 4life does not recommend people NOT take their prescribed medications or not undergo chemo or radiation. TF will help your immune system be strong enough to be able to undergo more chemo while also helping your own immune system fight off the cancer like it should have done in the first place. For those that want the added benefit of making this a business, it is definitely not a get rich quick scheme/scam. It is like any other business where you have to know your product and put in the time and effort to gt the results you want. People have gone from rags to riches, but only because they actually put some elbow grease into this and really needed to be a part of a business that could get them on their feet. People have left successful businesses and medical practices to be a part of this network marketing because they like knowing that they are their own boss, they make their own hours and they can make a lot of money if they are willing to work for it. Furthermore, this is not a traditional system in where the distributor needs to buy a bunch of product and hope to sell it to make money. It is a referral system in where the distributor recommends the product and makes money from the people that begin to take the product they want for their own well-being. No need to invest thousands of dollars to start this business and unlike other companies, there is no annual subscription fee, just one low start up cost that can be as low as $40 and that's it, you will never have to pay for another subscription. So to recap, TF are not medicine, so they might or might not work depending on how well your immune system accepts it and what it is trying to fight off. It is also a great business for people that are willing to work for their fortune. And to finally put the scam thing to bed, I have even taken ibuprofen and it didn't work the way I wanted, that doesn't mean that ibuprofen is a scam. All that means is that your body is not being receptive to it at the time for whatever reason. Furthermore, 4life will even let you be in the company as a consumer so you can test the product before you actually enroll. Very rarely is it seen that people have not had a positive effect with Tf so they are confident that people will enroll after they see what it does for them. Any business will require you to work hard if you want to make good money, so only because the money is not rolling in when people do nothing significant, that does not mean 4life is a scam. On a final note, 4life actually has the highest pay out rate on the market. 4life's distributors actually make over 60% of the profits to share among them while the actual company only keeps cloer to 40%. When the company is keeping less of the profits than its members, how can anybody be so quick to yell scam. Do some research based on facts, not on online posts. Don't even take my word for it, go look 4life up on the Better Business Bureau, the INC 500,, and the Physician's Desk reference. Do your own research before you make a choice either way. Thank You.

    1. Thank you for your comment. If it's for me, I've done my research in above post. Read all over again carefully! To be honest, I'm not affiliate with 4life. But, surely I assume you are. My amazon's affiliate link for above products had generated quite amount which was amazed me. I knew that this post was once, or perhaps until now, becomes #1 in Google SERPs for '4life', defeating the official website. Thanks again for reading and commenting.



  6. This product has cured chicken's cataract, stopped my dog's cancer from growing and cured my trigeminal neuralgia....I do not find this product to be a scam at all...

  7. There are literally THOUSANDS of published studies regarding Transfer Factor - they are easily found on the Internet. I have experienced the healing myself. Further, I have friends who have been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and started taking TF+ and have had amazing healing results. Further, Transfer Factor does not say it cures cancer - it says it helps the immune system. When the immune system is no longer compromised, then the body begins to heal itself and transfer factor does increase the immune system by over 400%. Whoever is saying this is a scam is not being honest - probably being paid off by Big Pharma. Transfer Factor is amazing and does work. Please don't believe this above 'study' - that what is the scam here and NOT Transfer Factor.

    1. "There are literally THOUSANDS of published studies regarding Transfer Factor..."
      >>> Which Transfer Factor? Read again above post!

      "...they are easily found on the Internet."
      >>> Show me the links! But not crappy links other than Pubmed links!

      "I have experienced.... Further, I have friends who.... "
      >>> I'm happy for you and your friend's health. And again, 'TESTIMONIAL EVIDENCE IS NOT SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE'

      "...and transfer factor does increase the immune system by over 400%."
      >>> That's a BS. Show me its Pubmed links!

      "Whoever is saying this is a scam is not being honest - probably being paid off by Big Pharma."
      >>> If you think I was being paid off by Big Pharma, read all my post in this blog!

      "Transfer Factor is amazing and does work. Please don't believe this above 'study' - that what is the scam here and NOT Transfer Factor."
      >>> A regular statement from a marketing salesmen, I assume

      Thank you for reading and commenting.


  8. Further to my comment, Transfer Factor is in the Physician's Desk Reference. This is a fact. Thank you and good health to all.


  9. Transfer Factor is not a drug, nor is it a cure. What it does is it educates, enhances, and balances the immune system by way of focusing on the T-Lymphocytes, or Killer T-Cells.

    This induces a cell-mediated immune response, which causes a positive domino effect on the entire human body.
    It works wonders...
    Whatsapp +91-9928366030

  10. The author of this blog obviously didn't do his or her research well. And who said that testimonial evidence is the same as scientific evidence. Well if that's your claim, the you should try finishing your elementary education first. You should make your claim as true and sufficient if you did try Transfer Factor products. And if you think the products are just placebos, then you can whine all you want and let the world know of your demise. If it's listed every year on the US Physicians Desk Reference, then the product is authentic.

    1. First of all, thank you for commenting in this post. I assume you did not read all my post above. If you cannot read, then it's you who should go to elementary school, to teach you who to read an article.

      Such a typical statement from a regular marketing salesman.

      If you read every single words from above post, I never mentioned 4life Transfer Factor as a scam product, the post title itself added with question mark (?).

      In site, all studies about 4life Transfer Factor were not legit, one of them was even an unpublished study. Disclaimer also mentioned that the statements made in, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product itself also is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure of prevent any disease.

      I once also became MLM salesman on health based products, if you could find my post in this blog. So, I know that your comment is just a typical statement from a marketing salesman. Thank you for visiting and commenting.


  11. Hi! Not here to debate but just to point something out that I think others have tried to explain but havent quite addressed it in the right context.

    The benefit of transfer factors (generally speaking) CAN be found within the Pub Med website. Any company can sell transfer factors. However, it is important to note that this molecule 4life extracts FROM the cow colostrum is identical and transferable throughout all land mammals. 4life does not sell cow colostrum, they sell the transferable molecule plucked OUT of the cow colostrum. Between 100-300 tests are done through each step on the filtration process to ensure that each product is free of cow hormones, pesticides, antibiotics and chemicals.

    So one can find thousands of studies on "basic" transfer factors and then subtract the side effects of "bovine encephalopathy " and other negative side effects because no cow hormones are present in 4Life products. :)

    1. Well explained. Thank you for your comment. Never thought that I will find a brilliant reader like you :D



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