The Ordinary

Danger Threatened in Seafood Dishes

December 03, 2012

Plateau of seafood, image from Wikimedia

Bad news for seafood lovers. I am not fond of seafood dishes, but oyster is one of my favorite dish.

Report from Reportase Investigasi, in TransTV, Dec 1, 2012, titled Danger Threatened in Seafood Dishes, had found an astounding fact. The initial aim of the report was to determine the contents of chemical substances in seafoods such as shrimp, oyster, and fish in the waters of the Java Sea.

10 samples were obtained by TransTV crew from traditional markets and supermarkets. All of them were tested in a laboratory of Padjajaran University. The result, all of them had been contaminated by chemical substances.

Although the chemical level still in the normal threshold, but if it accumulates continuously will adversely affect to the people's health.

The further tests had found another results. 7 out of the 10 samples were also contained with borax and non food grade dye.

The TransTV crew than went to see Joni, the oyster seller, who had sold oyster which contained with borax and textile dyes. Joni had beed committed fraudulent practices to his costumers for years.

He used to have formaldehyde in all seafoods sold on his kiosk. Since getting formaldehyde were difficult, he then used borax which easier to get.

Since 1979, the Indonesian Government had banned the use of borax in all food products. But in order to preserve the goods and to attract buyers, has resulting in fraudulent behavior of the merchant.

That night in his kitchen, Joni soaked oyster, fish and shrimp in a bucket filled with water that had already mixed with borax and textile dyes.

After having soaked for about an hour, he then dried it, and ready for sale early in the morning.

Joni claimed that many his customers who complained about the fish which was bought from him tasted bitter. He then only answered by saying that all the seafoods were bought directly from fishermen.

Tips to distinguish seafoods which safe to eat

TransTV Crew used two types of shellfish, the one was purchased from Joni (dishonest seller) and the other from an honest sellers named Asep, and brought them into the open.

Shellfish which bought from Joni attracted less flies than the shellfish which bought from Asep.

Shellfish stench on Asep owned more sting than stink on Joni owned shellfish.

Color of the shellfish which were sold by Joni more striking, while the one which were sold by Asep pale.


  1. it really dangerous. but sometimes we can't see the difference between the safe seafood or the unsafe one :(

    1. It's true unfortunately. We can not see the different. So, please be careful with what you eat!


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