Valentine's Day 2025

I Named My Son in Honour of St. Michael

January 22, 2012

My son Michael was born a month earlier than it was expected. My wife didn't notice that she have been pregnant for four month age until doctor examined. All pregnancy test-pack was negative for the last three month. Valentine was supposed became the name behind Michael's name, due to the birth date prediction was on February 14.

But on Saturday night, January 19, 2008, I was accompanied my wife to doctor. The doctor said that my wife will beared her child in about 2 until 3 days from that day. That's a shocked news.

One thing makes me shocked, is that if Michael was born on Monday, it means his Javanese day of birth (weton) is Senin Pon, just like his mother. Because if Michael was born on Sunday starting at 6.00 pm (sunset) until Monday's sunset, means his 'weton' is still Senin Pon.

In the Javanese culture, if 'weton' of a child is the same with their parents, then the child must perform a ritual. The ritual is to get rid of the child, which then will be discovered and owned by their parents's relative. Their parents had to buy back their child from their relative. How much money to buy back the child is only symbolically.

Why should there be a ritual like this?

There were such cases around me that were illogical. If 'weton' of a child and a mother alike. Then the mother and child must have the same character and habits. In their future life, they would like two repelling, same magnetic poles. Which will result in a natural process, who's strong, he/she will live longer.

In the case with some couple, if their both have the same 'weton', they will never be united. If it can, their marriage will not be long, a short-lived marriage.

An obvious example around me is my uncle died when my cousin was two years old. My cousin and my uncle/his father has the same 'weton'. My wife's sister with her first child has the same weton, my wife's sister died while giving birth to her second child. My sister-in-law died at the age of 28.

Surprisingly my sister-in-law's 'weton' is the same like her mother, who apparently died six years earlier. I did not get to know with my mother-in-law. When I met my wife, she was an orphan, her mother has past already.

Why I named my son Michael?

First of all, it was based on my favourite football player Michael Owen, NBA legend Michael Jordan, and my ace idol Michael Chang. But their first name was not the basic reason. I'm a Roman Catholic in religion, so my son must have his first name after a Saint's name. I choose St. Michael's name, which also it was my elementary school's name.

Long before the USG reports that predict my second child will be a boy, I also prepare the name Michele for a girl. I wanted my second child to be my guardian angel for the family. Surely, he will become my guardian angel, due to his sister was name Marianne, derived from St. Mary and her mother St. Anna combined together. There are no St. Marianne in Catholic literature for Saint. Because also the name Anne is given in honour of my late mother-in-law, Ani.

Do you agree, if I say that St. Michael is Our Lord Jesus Christ?

St. Michael by Guido Reni(Guido Reni's painting in Santa Maria della Concezione, Rome, 1636 is also reproduced in mosaic at the St. Michael Altar in St. Peter's Basilica, in the Vatican.)

Michael means "Who is like God?". But for me, Michael is God Him-self, although human are created by God based on His image. Father is God, Son is Jesus Christ, and Michael is the Holy Spirit. Only Michael is called an archangel in the Bible.

The original meaning of the name Michael gave rise to the Latin phrase, Quis ut Deus?, which can be seen on his artistic portrayals when he rhetorically and scornfully asks, Who is like God?, as he defeats Satan. Within the hierarchy of the angels, at the highest level, St. Michael is a princely seraph.

The word archangel comes from the Greek words arche (prince) and angelos (messenger). The prophet Daniel (12: 1) called him "Michael the great prince who shall rise at the time of the end."

The question is, who will become the judge on the Judgement Day? God? Jesus Christ?, or Michael? Because the archangel who heralds the second coming of Jesus Christ is not named.

" Happy 4th Birthday to my son Michael Valerian "

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